Меню KDT
тех.поддержка: +7(7172) 575-737, с 9 до 18
Казахстан, г. Астана, ул. Кенесары 4, офис 39


Who can be a participant in the investment program?

  1. The participant must be a citizen of Kazakhstan!
  2. You can engage in any business that does not contradict the laws of Kazakhstan.
  3. The participant must have quality goods and services and production, etc.
  4. Citizens of other countries cannot be participants, as our country acts as a GUARANTOR to investors!

Как зарегистрироваться на платформе: Инструкция

Как зарегистрировать кабинет: Инструкция

Как подать заявку на участие: Инструкция

There are currently no members